We're Back! Boy...didn't realize how crazy this could all get. Opening a bakery while staring a new job. It's been tough...with lots of sleepless nights and tired days. There has been a few weeks where by Friday night at work I'm falling asleep while standing up...not good since I work in a fast paced restaurant right!?!?!?
But...looks like we've figured out our system and things are working a little better know.
There is one things I've noticed since we opened this venture and at times it makes me feel a little forgotten. Everything is pink and purple, described as cute and precious. Beautiful and girly. Hey! Men bake too!!
One a recent trip to Target, V found some "nice" spatulas. I say "nice" because they could be described at all the words I mentioned above: pink, cute, precious, you get the point with Little Birdies and the word L-O-V-E. It was on that trip that my newest inventions popped into my head. Are you ready?
It will be called a MANTULA! Brilliant right. A nice stainless steel and silicone spatula designed for a man! Nice big handle, silver and black maybe with some nice flames painted on it. This MANTULA is for all men bakers out there who are tired of using pink, precious and girly utensils everywhere!
There are other men cupcake bakers our there right!?!?!?