Tuesday, April 24, 2012

420 Cupcake - 39 Weeks Pregnant....WHAT?!?!?

420 Cupcakes...No Problem! 420 Cupcakes...39 Weeks Pregnant...Maybe A Problem!
A few months ago CRAVE was asked to create cupcakes for an amazing organization here in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Being asked to participate in this amazing fundraiser is a true honor so we had to jump on the bandwagon (or should I say carousel...you'll understand later).
CARES (www.klamathlakecares.org) is local organization that provides child abuse assessment services to basin children to help victims of child abuse. Their yearly fundraising dinner draws in hundreds of locals and is definitely a privilege to be a part of both for recognition and to support a great cause. 
El Churro
This years theme was CIRCUS OLE! A mexican-style circus with acrobats, performers and carousel houses too! Everything was bright colors and over the top ideas. Having CRAVE be a part of this event was pure perfection.
We had to say YES! even though the event was a mere 5 days before the due date of our first baby. V was somewhat reluctant to sign on but knew what an  honor it was so she gave her seal of approval. 
Mexican Chocolate
As the day approached the menu ideas began rolling in, Churros, Snow Cones, Cotton Candy, Popcorn, Mexican Chocolate, Mango, Sweet...Salty...Spicy! The ideas were endless but we knew we had to narrow it down the just 4...anymore and it would have been madness trying to complete them in time. 
So we decided on our top 4 favorites: Margarita, Mexican Chocolate, Churro & Snow Cone. I took the helm of shopping, scaling & mixing because he knew V couldn't do too much...because Baby needed to what until after the cupcakes were delivered to arrive and V needed every ounce of rest to be able to crank out 400 cupcakes day of the event.
Snow Cone! It's A Circus Classic!
The baking day approach and while we arrived to the bakery slightly behind schedule we both stayed focused on our goal...completed just before I had to go to work. Baking finished smoothly...oddly smooth. As the decoration re informants arrived (my family with lunch in hand) it was time to finish these bad boys off with buttercream and goodies. That tasks was finished...oddly smooth. V was even able to power through her carpal tunnel (a strange pregnancy side effect)
We were done...with plenty of time to spare. This wasn't normal...generally we finished with no time to spare, V would remain cool and calm, i would be "freaking out" as she says but this time it just worked...oddly smooth. No water breaking, no contractions the little baby did in fact wait to make his arrival.
Was it the baby? Had we just grown so much since our last order? Did we finally find "the routine"...NICE! Whatever it was; we'll take it!
The 420 Mexican Circus-inspired cupcakes were loaded and delivered smooth as butta!
Now our little Mexican-Filipino-American cupcakes can be delivered smooth as butta! Now...we wait...and wait...

Photo By: Kelly Armio - Armijo Desings - www.kellyarmijo.com

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Did You Say Martha Stewart?

Last summer we we're asked to create a very simple wedding cake. The bride wanted nothing fussy, 3 tall tiers, simple flavors and white buttercream. Most wedding cake creators would laugh this off as wedding cake tend to be very extravagant pieces art. We LOVED this! We loved simplicity and this cake was the perfect cake for CRAVE to create. 

The bride and groom lived 5 hours away from us and the location of their wedding, which meant alot of emails back and forth regarding flavors, heights etc. As we learned more and more about the couple the simplicity of their wedding and the love they shared reminded us of our wedding just the year before. Which made this cake even more special to us.

The day arrived and we're up early in preparation for the Lemon Chaffon cake...J was pulling double duty as he works for the caterer that was bringing food. We decided to assemble the cake there, since the drive was about 30 minutes away and full twists and turns. 

Man was that a heavy cake! Who know that flours, sugar and butter could be so heavy! Upon arriving we quickly assembled the cake and the attached the cake topper, simple scrabbled letters the groom attached together with twine. We loved it!

Now...several months later, we received another email from the bride. She said her wedding (and our cake!) is being featured on marthastewartweddings.com! 
http://www.marthastewartweddings.com/272446/real-weddings#/304898 )

What an honor! A cake we created, on a website that we used so much for planning our own wedding and we know millions of others couples use as well. J dropped everything to stare at the computer screen in awe of what we saw, called V who said "Nut 'Ah! Are you for reals? Did you say Martha Stewart?".

Quickly texting the link to pretty much everyone we knew and then another several minutes of computer starring...it was truly a dream come true!
Thank you Luke & Lyn for allowing to not only be a party of your dream come true but allowing us to fulfill two of ours...creating a beautiful cake and having it featured on a truly amazing website! We are still on cloud 9 and plan on being here for a long while!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Our Newest Creation...The Best Yet!

Alot has changed since our last post in November...clearly since we haven't posted anything for several months our hectic schedules and lack of blogging time hasn't. We've created lots of new and interesting items and been able to participate in a few amazing events around our area. One of us has been able to quit our paying job while the other just got busier. But...I think we would rather have little time then too much time.

Our biggest change will occur In just two short months. We are about to add a incredibly new and exciting part to our crazy bakery life. I can say without a doubt or any amount of hesitation that our newest creation is definitely our best ever! Priceless really!!! It is going to be the cutest cupcake anyone has ever seen. In late April we be welcoming to the world...a little baby! 

The past seven months have been quite a smooth journey. The hardest issue to overcome was the forgetfulness...we had quite the system in place for baking, frosting and finishing and often joked that we could crank out hundreds of cupcakes without saying a word to each other and we had a secret unspoken system of communication we called "unagi" (after a Seinfeld episode)...but "unagi" left us for a few frustrating months and it seemed just when we figured out the new way of communcating "unagi" returned.

So what does this mean for CRAVE? Our little cupcake will arrive just one month before our busy summer season starts. As the father and bakery salesman I was naturally nervous as how are going to make this work...mother and cupcake genius was quick to say "we'll bring it with us!" Farmers Market, Third Thursday Street Festivals and all...I'm sure the YaYa and Lola (The Grandmothers) won't mind holding the little masterpice for several hours either!

As I am sure you are wondering..what is it? Well we have chosen to be one of the very few now a days that doesn't find out - crazy I know! So stay tuned as I'm sure the arrival will equal a new blog post...